Saturday, January 9, 2010

Life is Good

Sometimes I have to remind myself that life is good. It seems so mundane, I know. But it's so easy for me to complain about a lot of the little things. So every so often, I need to take a step back and take a look. And it's a pretty good view right now.
  • I'm sitting here with a beautiful, purring kitty. The other two kitties are pretty darn cute too.
  • My husband is awesome. He's my prince, my love, my future.
  • Our baby is healthy. Now let's hope for an easy delivery and an easy tempered kid!
  • We're both still working full time.
  • Our families rock.
  • Our friends rock.
  • We're plugged into a church that fits us and our small group is fantastic.
I know there will always be ups and downs. I just hope I'm able to keep things in perspective!

1 comment:

My name is Judy. His name is Jesus said...

AMEN!! I love it. Life is Good because God is Good!!!