I want a baby. Plain and simple. My party pooper husband, on the other hand, is not so excited about it. I'm a bit frustrated right now, as I'm sure you can tell. C'mon husband! Get with the program while we still can!
My biological clock is definitely ticking; I'm turning 31 this year and time is running out. My plan is is to have two kids by 35, while I'm still young enough to go through the pain of pregnancy and have some sort of energy to chase kids around. I see all these babies around since a few of my friends are currently pregnant and I have a ton of friends that already have kids.
I would love to be a stay at home mom. That would be a great job for me. Not sure that's feasible here in the Bay Area though. Anyhow, at this point I'll take what I can get. How about just being a mom? Hopefully the husband will change his mind...